When Americans take a break, they often head for their favorite vacation spot. 美国人休假时经常会去他们最喜欢的渡假地点。
Before the games, Spain still had trouble profiling itself as a vacation spot. 主办奥运会前,西班牙仍然很难给自己贴上度假胜地的标签。
The reflective sea larger than the Caspian is no vacation spot. 反射海-里海比大-没有度假胜地。
It's a perfect vacation spot, and there is a small stream nearby where you can fish to your heart's content. 这是一个度假的胜地,附近还有一条小溪,在那里你可以心情垂钓。
During the summer, you may find that you're actually making plans to go to some distant retreat center or vacation spot. 夏季的时候,对旅行你就开始制定旅行的计划,或许是一个偏远的地方或许是一个旅游胜地。
With so much to see and appreciate, perhaps the next priority vacation spot on the discriminating traveler's list should be the alps. 有这么多可以看和欣赏的景物,喜欢挑三拣四的旅行者也许应该把阿尔卑斯山列入下次度假的首要地点吧。
Call from your vacation spot to tell her you were thinking about her. 从度假的地方给她打个电话,告诉她你真的很想她。
Hong Kong is a top-20 most visited vacation spot by Americans. 香港是一个前20名的旅游胜地美国人点。